About Shazzle
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Shazzle contributed 37 entries already.
Entries by Shazzle
Birthday Gifts For You!
Hi beautiful It’s my birthday (Magic 23/01/23), and so I want to gift you something that will soothe your soul. But these gifts aren’t from me, they are from my business clients — because as healers and coaches, they can soothe you way more than I can. Also I love showing off my clients! They […]
How to survive a recession
Hi beautiful When the 2008 recession hit, I made several rapid changes to my superfood business that saw us not only weather the storm but increase our profit and serve even more clients than we did before the recession. And during this time of change, you can do the same. Here are some ways to […]
[LIVE 3 DAY RETREAT FOR HEALERS] Ready for more visibility in your business?
Hi gorgeous one Have you ever stopped the world and jumped off? Well that’s what I’ve been doing over the past months. I normally work relentlessly on all aspects of my life, including my business. But the plague and twisting my pelvis forced me to just be, And Breathe. You may have noticed my conspicuous […]
[INTERVIEW] What’s Magickal Reality Shifting And Why Do You Need It In Your Life?
Hi love I know you’ll love this interview with my client Zoie from Tantric Sense. She has such a wonderful way about her as she gently encourages us to expand into feeling our bodies, as you let go of over processing. And once we’ve started spending. more time in our bodies, our energy emits further […]
[INTERVIEW] Guess Who’s Written More Children’s Books Than Anyone Alive?
Hi beautiful If you’re thinking you couldn’t be a healer because you’re stuck in a corporate accountancy role and have spent years training for that job, I’d love to introduce you to prolific children’s author and energy master Timothy Stuetz. In our hour long interview, he gives you the low down on his awakening THAT HE […]
[PODCAST] Ooops we didn’t talk about veganism
Hi gorgeous Have you ever met someone, thought you were going to talk about something specific, and then the Universe made you realise you have something else in common so you talked about that instead? That’s what happened when Nico The Smiling Vegan interviewed me for his podcast. I’m saying no more, except if you […]
[INTERVIEW] How can you feel good when all around you is crumbling?
Hi gorgeous Yey, I did my first live Instagram interview, and it went without a hitch! If you didn’t see it, you can watch here now. I spent an hour chatting to my client Barbara Wicks, the Inside Out Radiance Coach. She gave so much advice on how food can make you feel better in yourself. […]
[PODCAST] My search for happiness changed the world
Hey beautiful Are you wondering if the journey up Unity Mountain ever ends? It can take years or even decades to undo complex childhood wounding, and that’s if you’re lucky. Some never find the answer and suffer forever, some have their lives cut tragically short. My own mission to heal the wounds of my life sent […]
Don’t Look Into Keith’s Eyes Because He Might Make You Not Scared Of Ladybirds Anymore
When I recently interviewed the hypnotherapist Keith, I was surprised at how quickly he could help people with phobias, so they could go on to enjoy their lives without constantly running away from their Room 101. Do you have a Room 101? What’s in there? Do you think Keith can help you? If so, just […]
What Kind Of Business Suits You?
Hey gorgeous How are you? I’m sitting in bed on my brand new Macboy, fluffy doggie keeping my left leg warm, trying to book a British holiday with my mum… One that makes a dog, a teen, a pensioner and a single mum happy! Ummm… we might be some time. So I’ve been wanting to […]
3 Magical Ways To Support Your Clients And Audience During The Pandemic
Hi beautiful How are you feeling? So many of my business clients have been asking how can they support their clients and audience during this pandemic. I help coaches, healers and health freaks build online businesses, and they are natural empaths who always want to help others. They want to help even more so in […]