[PODCAST] My search for happiness changed the world
Hey beautiful
Are you wondering if the journey up Unity Mountain ever ends?
It can take years or even decades to undo complex childhood wounding, and that’s if you’re lucky.
Some never find the answer and suffer forever, some have their lives cut tragically short.
My own mission to heal the wounds of my life sent me on a very strange and twisty journey.
I was born in 1969 and I started meditating at 16, became a vegan at 18 and have always lived on the fringe of society because I get too overwhelmed otherwise.
I’ve always wanted to share what works for me with the world. That’s why my journeys have intertwined with my interests and career choices.
Founding Europe’s largest superfood business that turned over $20 Million was born from my obsession with the natural health and happiness lifestyle I’d discovered.
I couldn’t have imagined how that would blossom.
But I never felt permanently happy so I kept seeking. And that’s what this podcast is about. Have a listen and think about what changes you can make next in your own search for happiness.
It’s not only my mission to help you build your business, it’s my mission to make you so inspired by my incredible story that you have to ask yourself “This is just the beginning of my story… how far can I go?”
Bliss U
PS: In the podcast, I reveal how I finally found my permanent happy, but you won’t believe what the healing modality was, or how simple and rapid it was…
Your $20 Million Business Mentor
PPS: Want to join my business clients and bring your Vision Of Love to the world? Go here to find out how!