Timothy Stuetz

[INTERVIEW] Guess Who’s Written More Children’s Books Than Anyone Alive?

Hi beautiful If you're thinking you couldn't be a healer because you're stuck in a corporate accountancy role and have spent years training for that job, I'd love to introduce you to prolific children's author and energy master Timothy Stuetz. In…
Nico the vegan

[PODCAST] Ooops we didn’t talk about veganism

Hi gorgeous Have you ever met someone, thought you were going to talk about something specific, and then the Universe made you realise you have something else in common so you talked about that instead? That's what happened when Nico…
Barbara Wicks Nutritional Therapist, Inside Our Radiance

[INTERVIEW] How can you feel good when all around you is crumbling?

Hi gorgeous Yey, I did my first live Instagram interview, and it went without a hitch! If you didn't see it, you can watch here now. I spent an hour chatting to my client Barbara Wicks, the Inside Out Radiance Coach. She gave…
Shazzie podcast

[PODCAST] My search for happiness changed the world

Hey beautiful Are you wondering if the journey up Unity Mountain ever ends? It can take years or even decades to undo complex childhood wounding, and that's if you're lucky. Some never find the answer and suffer forever, some have…
Keith Truman

Don’t Look Into Keith’s Eyes Because He Might Make You Not Scared Of Ladybirds Anymore

When I recently interviewed the hypnotherapist Keith, I was surprised at how quickly he could help people with phobias, so they could go on to enjoy their lives without constantly running away from their Room 101. Do you have a Room 101? What's…

What Kind Of Business Suits You?

Hey gorgeous How are you? I’m sitting in bed on my brand new Macboy, fluffy doggie keeping my left leg warm, trying to book a British holiday with my mum… One that makes a dog, a teen, a pensioner and a single mum happy! Ummm… we might…

3 Magical Ways To Support Your Clients And Audience During The Pandemic

Hi beautiful How are you feeling? So many of my business clients have been asking how can they support their clients and audience during this pandemic. I help coaches, healers and health freaks build online businesses, and they are natural…
gold camera

Gifts To Lift Your Spirits

Hi beautiful Today I'd love to offer you something(s) to lift your spirits, courtesy of my awesome business clients. They are an amazing bunch of coaches, healers and health freaks, and are doing everything to help their clients as they…
you got this

Are Your Ideas Killing Your Business?

Hey beautiful Being highly creative is a gift -- you don't get bored and you love being alone because you can easily create worlds in your mind. But it's also a bit of a curse. Especially when it comes to business. You have a fantastic…

The 3 Fears You Need To Overcome To Quit Your Job

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Do this if you're dreaming of starting a business Hi gorgeous Ah, the sun is out, it's 17 degrees and I'm gonna hit the beach with my dog as soon as I'm done writing this for you. On Thursday I did four Facebook Lives -- all stories about…
Dale Pinnock

Dale Pinnock The Medicinal Chef Spills The Beans

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I am super excited to release another episode of Shazzie TV, a series of feature length interviews with people I know you will love. Enjoy my beautiful one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NONmeskNzd0 In this episode I share a cuppa with…

A Blast From The Past 😇

Hey beautiful DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS? My friend Tony just sent me this photo. It’s from Shazzie BC (Shazzie Before Child). At least 16 years ago. I used to travel the world giving talks on raw food…