
The 3 Fears You Need To Overcome To Quit Your Job
Litter atcha, Mind your own business, Shazzie, SpiralingitualityDo this if you're dreaming of starting a business
Hi gorgeous
Ah, the sun is out, it's 17 degrees and I'm gonna hit the beach with my dog as soon as I'm done writing this for you.
On Thursday I did four Facebook Lives -- all stories about…

Free raw food recipes — Winter beetroot salad
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Winter beetroot salad
A warming salad with lovely colours. There's a reason we see in colour -- so we're magnetised to high antioxidant food. Pat yourself on the back and make this at the same time because you're great at…

Free raw food recipe — Hard cheeze
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Hard cheeze
This has a real proper cheesy taste and texture. Everyone loves it.
Makes one big tub of cheeze.
Keeps for two weeks when refrigerated in a sealed container.
300g raw cashew nuts
100g coconut butter

Free raw food recipe — Olive and sundried tomato focaccia
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Olive and sundried tomato focaccia
So tasty and shockingly like the real thing. We double this recipe when we make it, and sometimes we add a twist by swirling raw vegan pesto through it. You can also vary this recipe by…

Free raw food recipe — Sea seeds
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Sea seeds
Everyone loves to munch on crunchy seeds, rammed with nutrition. These great nibbles are easy to put in a packed lunch, and handy between meal times.
This recipe takes a few days to prepare, but the tasty results…

Free raw food recipe — My mate
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
My mate
This thick and smooth spread tastes just like those yeast extracts but it's much milder so you can use more of it. The miso has to be the darkest you can find to get that flavour.
Keeps for up to four weeks when…

Free raw food recipe — Summer salsa
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Summer salsa
Great for picnics, this salsa blobs itself nicely onto the top of all crackers, breads and burritos. Evie loves hers with baby sweetcorn on the side. Actually, she loves everything with baby sweetcorn on the…

Free raw food recipe — chia bread
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Chia bread
Chia is a very exciting seed. Its nutritional values surpass that of any other seed. It has eight times more omega three than salmon. Two days before being introduced to this, I took part in an ayahuasca ceremony…

Free raw food recipe — Sunshiney day
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Sunshiney day
A lovely pudding to bring even more light into your life because you can never have too much.
Serves two. Keeps for three days when refrigerated in a sealed container.
1 banana
1 papaya
10g coconut…

Free raw food recipe — Kale on Sunday
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Kale on Sunday
This salad is so dense that it fills every pocket of your existence. Eating good food takes up just enough time so that you can't be tempted to read the papers, ensuring you never get drawn into Ye Olde 3D…

Free raw food recipe — Sweet omega pudding
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Sweet omega pudding
Simple and creamy, little kiddies love this.
Serves two. Keeps for three days when refrigerated in a sealed container.
200g cantaloupe melon
200g shelled raw hemp seeds
10ml raw agave nectar

Free raw food recipe — Golden nuggets
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeRaw food recipe
Golden nuggets
You can make these any size or shape that you want depending on your preferences or the occasion.
220g pumpkin seeds
260g sunflower seeds
50g golden flax seeds, finely ground
10g Seagreens
1 small red…