How to build your own ecstatic bliss bubble

Extracted from my book Ecstatic Beings To live in eternal ecstatic bliss we need to know just two things: 1. We are already perfect. 2. We can become and have anything we want. Working on your physical energy through food, holistic…

Yoko Ono recommends my book

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Yoko shares Detox Your World I nearly fell over when I saw this. My friend Russell James pointed it out to me. I'm on a list of books that Yoko recommends! Yoko is known world over for being the wife of John Lennon and for being an artist…

I’m on Hay House Radio

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Tonight I'm being interviewed by one of my all time heroes, Eldon Taylor, Hay House author and the genius behind Innertalk. The interview is on Hay House Radio, 7pm (UK time), 11am (PST). Straight after me is another hero, Esther Hicks. I…