7 Ways To Eat More Raw Food At Work
How to eat raw food while tied to the machine!
If you’re the type of person who eats like a Goddess at home (green smoothies and raw chocolate all the way!) but then gets lured towards the sandwich van and the vending machines at work, here are seven handy tips for you to ensure you get the good stuff down you all day long!
1. Be about the bento box
These are sweet little boxes, hailing from Japan and are starting to become all the rage in the UK! Fill them with crunchy crudités, raw crackers, kale chips, courgette noodles with a splash of tamari and some minced garlic, sprinkle with cashew cheese and pine nuts and an apple to keep the doctor away. Sandwiches? Pah!
2. Be smooth
When it’s time for elevenses and everyone else is tucking into doughnuts, crack out your fancy bottle of ‘green gloop’ and watch as shocked faces realise you’re enjoying yourself! What they won’t notice until later is that they are slumped over their desks having a sugar crash whilst your energy is still off the scale with all that liquid sunshine in your body! Be more productive in whatever work you’re doing — and think & drink green!
3. Be chocolate wise
Don’t worry — the chocolate bars are not really calling out to you, it’s just that old chestnut, sugar addiction! Get into the habit of saying no to spending your money at the vending machines and instead, bring beautifully packaged raw chocolate or cookie goodies in to work. Perhaps even bring in extra to share and you’ll be flavour and employee of the month! If you don’t want to eat lots of raw chocolate (you are not all like me!) then make raw chocolates with heaps of dried fruits and nuts. You get the chocolate taste, with extra goodies too!

Raw chocolate goes down well at 4pm
4. Be simple
You don’t need to always bring in the fancy foods — how about an apple? A flask of soup? A box of raw crackers? A fruit bar? An handful of dates? A carton of coconut water. They’re all easy to bring into work with not much waste afterwards!
5. Be treat wise
If you’re in a stressful environment, sugar can help you feel momentarily relieved — but then comes the inevitable slump and you’ll only need another sugar fix to fix it! Instead, bring the treat box to work! Dried mango pieces, a bar of delicious raw chocolate, a little jar of olives, or a delicious home-made brownie.
6. Be hydrated
How many cups of tea or coffee can a person get through in a day’s work? It’s usually 5 – 10 cups! (add sugar and milk and you’re half way to diabetes!) Why not try a herbal tea here, a chicory coffee there, a chaga tea in the morning, a hot water and lemon in the afternoon, a home made chia smoothie with your chocolate bar at 4pm. Feel fresh and watered all day long and say goodbye to caffeine withdrawal symptoms and coffee bean headaches!

Hydration throughout the day keeps your brain alert
7. Be on the trail
We do like to snack, don’t we?! Get a bag and fill it up – no, not with aniseed balls and lemon bon bons! With almonds, sliced coconut, goji berries, mulberries, buckwheat, raisins and flax seeds! Munch when you feel you need to crunch! Or if you’re a bit lazier than that, get some ready made stuff here!
You can be raw at work but preparation, as ever, is the key ingredient! Happy Days!
Bliss U
Your $20 Million Business Mentor
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For me it’s breakfast. I start work at 6am [up at 5] so I’m working 3 hours before I eat so I end up with toast, cereal, croissants etc from the canteen. After three hours of manual labour pre-prepared green juice or fresh fruit does not cut it!
Most raw cookbooks exclude breakfast and say drink a smoothie. What would you recommend for a breakfast that can be made the night before and is filling?
Hey Mel… wow. At least you see the sunrise 😉 For sustained energy you could try making “night before porridge”, using oats or not, as most oats are lightly steamed and hard to find raw. Get your fave of these ingredients: Quinoa, flax seed, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, chia seed, hemp seed, oats (about two cups altogether) and pour into a flask. Add about a cup of mixed dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, goji berries etc and shake to mix. Pour on 2 cups of warm (not boiling) water or fresh warm almond/chia milk for more nutrition. Add half a teaspoon of maca or Brazilian ginseng for extra stamina or some raw protein powder if required. Make this before bed, then grab it on the go the next day. When you are hungry, pour out your mix and enjoy with a spoon, which will have soaked and swollen and will taste really yum and filling. It’ll remain warm until you need it so it’s a super flexible breakfast option for you. The contents are infinitely changeable, this is just to get you started 😉 Blissings x
I will try that! I know oats arent always raw but when you compare it to muller corners, egg and soldiers and muffins, I think it’s a good compromise!! 😀 Thanks Shazzie!! x