Raw food demo at EU’s largest natural product show
Raw food demonstration pulls largest crowd ever
Hey sparkler
On Sunday I did a rare and unique raw food demonstration at Olympia for The Natural & Organic Products show.
I rarely do public stuff these days so it was a treat to meet old and new “fans” (funny word, but you know what I mean). There was a sea of happy shiny faces. I was told it was their biggest crowd for a food demo ever. Happy heart of mine, seeing raw food go mainstream.
So I promised I’d share the actual recipe ingredients for the two recipes that I did. And here they are for you even if you didn’t attend. In fact, it’s kind of the event in pictures. Well, my last event was sixteen months ago (it takes a lot to get me away from my deck in this weather!), so it’s worth making a big deal about it.
Here you are…
Seeded Asian noodles (raw food recipe)
Noodle mix:
1 courgette (zucchini)
1 carrot
4 shiitake mushrooms, soaked in water for 30 minutes if dried
1 cup shredded cabbage (optional)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup tamari
1/4 cup raw sesame seeds
Using a vegetable peeler, remove all the green from the courgette. Top and tail the courgette and carrot. Using a spiral slicer, slice the courgette and carrot into a medium sized bowl. Add the seeds. Finely chop the shiitake mushrooms (removing the stalks if they’re tough), and add these to the bowl. Add the cabbage if using.
Add the olive oil and tamari to the bowl and gently mix until the vegetables are coated. Allow this to marinate while making the sauce.
Sauce mix:
1/2 cup raw tahini
1/2 cup raw whole almond butter
1 red pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Juice of one lime
1 mango, stoned and peeled
1 clove garlic
1 medjool date, stoned
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
Handful of fresh coriander
Cut the pepper in half and finely chop one half, set this aside with the coriander. Put the other half of the pepper and the rest of the sauce ingredients into your VitaMix/VitaPrep. Blend until you have a smooth sauce.
Mix in the red pepper and chopped coriander by hand, do not blend this.
Alfalfa sprouts
Finely slice the spinach into ribbons.
To assemble the dish:
If you want to use the garnish above (for a more green raw food dish), use this at the bottom of the dish. Get your serving plates, and add the required amount of spinach on there. Then sprinkle this with the alfalfa. Top that with the marinated noodles. Top that with the sauce. Add more coriander and lime wedges to garnish even further if required.
Use the left over marinade as a salad dressing another time. Don’t throw it away 😉
This recipe was adapted from my book Detox Your World. Almost 400 pages of detox information, for every single bit of you. Oh, and 100 raw food recipes, too.
This is my favourite drink at the moment. Full of things that will help my body as I recover from the tumour on my leg. Also full of omega 3s. Billions of em. If you have a kiddie who’s on Ye Olde 3D Milke, then make chia milk and do the half and half trick with them. They won’t taste the difference but their bodies will breathe a sigh of relief.
This keeps for 2-3 days in the fridge, especially when you add a teaspoon of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide or a dessertspoon of ionic silver to it.
1 litre chaga
1 litre spring water
1/2 cup lucuma
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract or powder
1 cup chia seeds
1 tsp coconut oil
Xylitol to taste
Chaga method 1:
Get dark powdered chaga and add 2 dessertspoons to a pan to a litre of water. Warm this until finger hot and keep it at that temperature for a couple of hours. If you’re making a lot of this, do five litres in a big pan. It lasts. For this recipe, use 1 litre of chaga and 1 litre of hot water.
Chaga method 2:
Use Elwin’s instant chaga. It has a slightly different taste but it still works in this recipe. For this recipe add 2 dessertspoons of chaga to a litre of boiling water and allow to dissolve. It doesn’t need to boil further.
Drink method:
Add the cold water (whether that’s just water or a cold chaga mix) to your VitaPrep/VitaMix. Add in the lucuma, cacao powder, vanilla, and chia seeds. Blend all this until you have a smooth liquid.
Pour the liquid into a bowl, lined with a nut milk bag. Gently squeeze the liquid out from the bag into the bowl.
Get your other litre of water, whether that’s just water or chaga water. Make it nice and hot. Add the coconut oil to this and wait for it to dissolve.
Add both liquids together and mix.
If you want a frothy drink, like a cappuccino, add this drink to the blender again and buzz for a few more seconds. Pour into cups and sweeten as required with xylitol.
More pictures from my raw food demonstration

Check out the magic mirror. They could see everything. Even when I dribbled coz the food smelled so good.

OK, so the biggest superstar there was Evie. She gave out so many free gifts, books, bags, fridge magnets, vouchers for Detox Your World and many super foods. She was in her elephant. Love my baby. Even more now it seems I can send her up chimneys so she can earn a crust…
Massive huge thanks to Elwin and Hana for helping me all throughout the night before making food for all the samples, for carrying, helping with Evie and of course for helping me demo the food. Really couldn’t have done it without you guys. Big love!
And HUGE LOVE to all at the show, Viridian gave away 100 pots of their amazing coconut oi during my demo, This is the BEST in the country. I eat it and rub it all over myself. It’s too good.
And big kisses to you if you weren’t there. I hope this little bit of raw food sparkle has brightened your day.
Bliss U
Your $20 Million Business Mentor
PS: Want to join my business clients and bring your Vision Of Love to the world? Go here to find out how!
deeeeeeeelicious recipes, beautiful you! x
Attended your presentation – the most exciting part of the entire natural & organic products event! It was a blast for me standing 2 meters away from the person who inspired me so heavily in my first raw-vegan days, two years ago. Thank you!
The fact that people are really starting to get into this, and actually see it as a lifestyle, not just a diet hippies use to do penance, makes me really happy.
The process reminds me of the Roman Empire. For every convert we convince, we gain another radial point of influence. Our army is healthy, vital, and growing!
Wow! This would be great recipes coming from one of my favorite raw foodists! When i saw the picture for Chagachiano, i instantly fell in love with it!! Now I’m gonna try it and i’m quite sure i’ll just keep on loving it! LOL 🙂 Thanks for this!