Free raw food recipe — chia bread

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Raw food recipe

Chia bread raw food recipe

Chia bread

Chia is a very exciting seed. Its nutritional values surpass that of any other seed. It has eight times more omega three than salmon. Two days before being introduced to this, I took part in an ayahuasca ceremony and kept seeing fish on trees. I wondered what it meant, then chia came into my life!

Makes one loaf. Keeps for ten days when stored in a sealed container.

300g golden flax seeds
150g celery
100g chia seeds
100g tomatoes
100g almonds
50g buckwheaties
50g basil
1/2 red pepper
2 sundried tomatoes

Grind the flax seeds to a flour using a high-powered blender and its dry jug. Add all the remaining ingredients to the blender’s wet jug, then put the flour in from the dry jug. Blend this until smooth.

Turn out onto a lined dehydrator sheet and form a loaf or small rolls.

Dehydrate in a dehydrator at 115°F/46°C for four hours before removing the lining, and flipping them. Dehydrate for a further four hours or until firm in the middle, but not hard.

Bliss U


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