My TV show is here!
aw Kitchen goes live on TV
Yey! My TV show, the world’s first ever raw food TV series, is now ready to be aired to the world. Or at least to 32 million people across Europe 😉 It has finally been scheduled!
Prime time slot
The TV show, called Raw Kitchen (Sky+ it to link the series!) has a prime time slot of 7pm. How exciting is that? The first in the series, which obviously is all about raw chocolate is coming to your TV on:
Monday 3rd December 2012
Sky Active Channel, 281
“But I don’t have Sky, how can I watch it?”
Some of you don’t have Sky. I don’t, either 😉 Here are some ideas for you:
- Watch it live on the Internet, from anywhere in the world.
- Find a friend who has Sky. Get in some raw treats and enjoy!
- Organise a raw food pot luck in a friendly pub that has Sky.
- Find a generous raw foodist who has Sky on Facebook, and ask if you can share their sofa (hint, take raw food with you to munch as a thank you!)
- Ask on Facebook if anyone with Sky is organising a pot luck in their home.
- Wait (I don’t know how long) for it to come out on the web.
- Ask your mum to record it. Mums often have Sky for some reason. Then wonder how you’ll see it because there’s no such thing as popping a video in the post any more. Hint… go see your mum.
- Don’t watch it and become miserable because you missed the world’s biggest raw food revolution yet. Oh yes, this is the world’s first EVER raw food TV series. Ever. Ever.
Please spread the word!
In this series, I’ve explored every type of raw vegan cuisine… the green, the fruit, the protein, the fermented and obviously the chocolate!! In an unbiased way, viewers all over Europe (on TV) and the world (in the web) will be able to learn about the full gamut of raw foodism. Let’s celebrate raw food making it to the masses, by letting EVERYONE know. Please blog this, Facebook it, tweet it and talk it. It’s the biggest thing to ever happen to raw food, let’s champion it, together!
In the programme, I also do lots of foraging, I talk about organic food, and I talk about ways of fitting raw food into your normal life. Raw food is for everyone, and this TV show clearly demonstrates that. Please, let everyone know 😉
e cheers for The Active Channel!
If you feel moved, please “like” The Active Channel’s facebook page. They have taken a pioneering step to bring raw food to the tellyworld. I’d love it if you showed them some big love and thanks right now.
You can find The Active Channel on Sky 281. It’s Europe’s biggest health and fitness channel.
I want to personally thank Max and Matti, two of the loveliest people from the telly that I’ve ever met. Max is a producer from heaven and I’m blissed to have fed him raw delights over my breakfast bar 😉
I’m more than excited about broadcasting my message of love to the world… I do hope you can join me in this world-first event.
Please let everyone now… Raw food has gone mainstream. Remember the date for the premiere of Raw Kitchen:
Monday 3rd December 2012
Sky Active Channel, 281
Bliss U
Your $20 Million Business Mentor
PS: Want to join my business clients and bring your Vision Of Love to the world? Go here to find out how!
I notice you can actually watch the Active Channel live on their website
Just click the ‘Live TV’ link.
Might be worth telling people who don’t have Sky TV!
Fantastic Fiona , Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Do you think that everyone actually knows that Shazzie is on at 1130am too 🙂
Love and Light to You and All around You,
Thank You Shazzie for all your actions and dreams towards this and more…
Love and Light to You too …
Thank u! Yes, they’re having a Shazzie day on there! Woo hoo! xxx