How to make toothpaste
How to make healthy toothpaste at home
Hey sparkler
How are you today? How are your teeth doing? Here’s a treat for them that they’ll never forget…
It’s a recipe I use myself, most of the time, they don’t call me Shazzle Dazzle for nothing. You can vary the essential oils if you have any specific mouth issues such as gingivitis or receding gums.
It costs just pennies, too. Really, a whole jar would cost you about 20p (35c). It’s your lucky day!
Be prepared for your teeth to feel cleaner than ever.
This toothpaste is so incredible it’s a dentist’s worst nightmare!!! It makes your teeth white and smooth AND it mends holes when used long term (6 months+).
It has baking soda in it, so I don’t use it every day, as it would be too abrasive.
It has xylitol in it as the sweetener, not just to make it sweet, but because xylitol has been proven to help mend cavities. Don’t omit the xylitol!
How to make natural toothpaste
2 teaspoons raw coconut oil
2 teaspoons baking soda (sodium bicarbonate not baking powder)
2 teaspoons xylitol or more to taste (don’t let your dog near this!)
6 drops organic peppermint oil
In a smallish plastic or glass tub that has a well fitting lid, mix all the ingredients with a teaspoon. There’s no need to melt the coconut oil first.
Keep on your bathroom shelf like normal toothpaste. Be aware that it will turn to a thick liquid if it’s warm, as coconut oil melts at a low temperature. This won’t affect your toothpaste at all, but you may have to pour the toothpaste on to your toothbrush!
Add less baking soda if you are going to use this more than three times a week. It’s slightly abrasive and shouldn’t be brushed on teeth every day.
Replace the baking soda with good raw salt if preferred.
To help remineralise teeth: add calcium/magnesium/silica
Essential oils to add (experiment with doses for your particular issue)
For gingivitis: tea tree, clove, cinnamon, myrrh, thyme, chamomile, peppermint
For receeding gums: oregano, tea tree, peppermint, myrrh, neem
For sensitive teeth: lemon, myrrh, clove, sage
More tooth health
As well as switching to a non-fluoride natural toothpaste, you should always brush in-between your teeth. I use one of those little interdental toothbrushes, like a mini pipe cleaner. Flossing also works if you are gappy enough to be able to get it in there.
You can use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, ionic silver or a drop of tea tree oil in water as a mouthwash. All are effective at destroying bacteria.
If your teeth are in a bad state, then please revise your diet. You will need lots of mineral rich greens, plus vitamins K2, D and A to make a permanent difference.
And finally, there’s the water pik. It’s a nifty device that flushes your teeth and gums with water under high pressure. For me, this is invaluable as I’ve got a weird wisdom tooth (still coming through at my age!!), it prevents infection when used regularly, and gets where a brush and pipe cleaner can’t get!
Bliss U
Your $20 Million Business Mentor
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Hey Shazzie,
Great post! I love the information you have shared. You asked us to share any tips of our own about this topic. I have just recently written some pages about homemade toothpaste, mouthwashes and a daily mouth care protocol that perhaps your readers may find helpful;
Love to you,
Shazzie, you are a sparkling, scintillating star. 🙂
I recently recovered from a mild toothache, and was thinking my organic toothpaste just wasn’t doing the trick.
And lo’ behold, there’s your suggestion!
Bliss YOU. ^_^
Hi Shazzie
Thank you for your toothpaste recipe – just wondering what do you use for the rest of the days as this can be too abrasive for every day use?
I will try your recipe and will give my comment in due course..
Love and blessings,
Hey… I use a Weleda toothpaste or an aloe one… any good herbal one but with no fluoride ever ever ever 😉
Not only is this fabulous stuff, but it really works! I had to go to the dentist today and was dreading it, as the previous couple of visits have resulted in me needing a filling and then being completely off my face the rest of the day as a result of the anesthetic (hours of hilarity for everyone else, apparently).
In fact the dentist was amazed at how good my teeth were looking today. He actually said he couldn’t find anything wrong and that he would have to ‘look ’round again’!
Thank you, Shazzie!
Hey Shazzie,
Love your toothpaste recipe but just wondered what you could use instead of coconut oil and baking soda, love and light!!
Hiya SC — Coconut oil is anti pathogenic, that’s why I use it. It’s also good for the toothpaste texture. You can omit the baking soda completely if you want, or just put a small amount in if you are going to use it daily. Love x
Hi Shazzie, love this recipe and been using it for a while. What would you recommend for minerals where you said “help remineralise teeth: add calcium/magnesium/silica” ?
enjoy reading the journal and see that the journey you are connected wish create a very essential journey toward the health of others. Give thanks!