7 Ways To Eat More Raw Food At Work
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeHow to eat raw food while tied to the machine!
If you're the type of person who eats like a Goddess at home (green smoothies and raw chocolate all the way!) but then gets lured towards the sandwich van and the vending machines at work, here…
Raw food on TV
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Me me meRaw food is coming to your TV very very soon!
Hey glitterbug
As you may have heard, I am recording the world's first raw food TV series ;-) Well, it's been a while now because it takes ages to do these things, so I wanted to give you an…
Yoko Ono recommends my book
art for art's sake, Good for your elf, It's only natural, Litter atcha, Me me me, Spiralingituality, SurrealingYoko shares Detox Your World
I nearly fell over when I saw this. My friend Russell James pointed it out to me. I'm on a list of books that Yoko recommends!
Yoko is known world over for being the wife of John Lennon and for being an artist…
Unique Christmas ideas
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cakeHey wonderful ONE
What are your plans for Christmas? I've just booked five relaxing nights at Champneys, all alone! I've left it late because I wanted to see how my leg was. I didn't want to go and be unable to do all the exercises! But leg…
Raw food has gone mainstream
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Me me meWe did it!
Raw food finally went mainstream at 4.30pm BST today on Sky 281 with the launch of my brand new show, Raw Kitchen. Yes, you read that right, the WORLD'S FIRST RAW FOOD TV SHOW IS HERE! Phew. That's another revolution taken care…
Raw food TV show gets the go ahead
Everyone's a winner, Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Me me meHey you superstar
Great news... world changing, in fact. The Active Channel has commissioned my TV series, Raw Kitchen!!!!!! We're finalising things right now, but it won't take long to do, so watch out, world. RAW FOOD IS COMING TO THE TELEVISION.
How to get young children to eat raw food
art for art's sake, Good for your elf, it's faaaaaaaamily, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Litter atchaThis is an extract from my book Evie's Kitchen. Evie's Kitchen is the world's ONLY book that addresses all the issues of raising a child on a raw, vegan or vegetarian diet. It lists possiblie nutritional deficiencies and how to avoid or spot…
Halloween howlers
art for art's sake, Good for your elf, it's faaaaaaaamily, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Litter atchaJust in time for a scary October 31st, here's a fun raw food recipe for your dark side.
60g raisins or old ladies pupils
50g raw cacao butter or bat’s droppings
50g raw moaning macadamias
5g scary purple corn…
I’m on Hay House Radio
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Litter atcha, SpiralingitualityTonight I'm being interviewed by one of my all time heroes, Eldon Taylor, Hay House author and the genius behind Innertalk. The interview is on Hay House Radio, 7pm (UK time), 11am (PST). Straight after me is another hero, Esther Hicks.
An Ecstatic Evening with Shazzie & Philip, UK
Good for your elf, It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Me me meThis is too extiting for me! Join us in the heart of my community for an elegant, gorgeous, rural, ecstatic, gourmet, inspiring evening on 27th June 2009. We have top chef Russell James creating and delivering the raw cuisine. Philip will do…
Licking the Big Apple
It's only natural, Me me me
I took a trip to New York. Hung out with efriends that I've known for years and never met in Ye Olde 3D Worlde. Ate more in 48 hours than in a week. They have raw food restaurants coming out of their ears. Like with about fifty choices of…
Evie’s Kitchen: Raising an ecstatic child
It's only natural, Let them eat cake, Litter atcha, Me me me
My fourth book, Evie's Kitchen is out now and being shipped to customers next week. If you get it from us, you'll get it first, but if you want to get it from a gigantic bookseller, that's OK too. I love to share. Here are some recipe photos…