Free raw food recipe — Olive and hemp pâté

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Raw food recipe Olive and hemp pâté This goes really well with crudités such as red pepper, carrot and fennel. Serves four to six as a spread or dip. Keeps for four days when refrigerated in a sealed container. 100g or 1 cup green…

Free raw food recipe — Transfusion illusion

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Raw food recipe Transfusion illusion Coconut water has actually been used for blood transfusions as it’s incredibly similar to human blood plasma. This recipe is extremely hydrating, cleansing, and decadent. just what The Doxtor ordered. Serves…

Detox Everything

Nine Nifty Detox Tips To Make You Sparkle This Spring I'm feeling that this spring is going to bring us more excitement, more change and more opportunity that ever before. As we advance further into a new era, where our thoughts become real…

How to make toothpaste

How to make healthy toothpaste at home Hey sparkler How are you today? How are your teeth doing? Here's a treat for them that they'll never forget... It's a recipe I use myself, most of the time, they don't call me Shazzle Dazzle for…

Get In Shape Quick For The New Year

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Hey, Beautiful People Wow, it's so weird to believe that this year is almost through. I knew it'd be great, I just didn't know how great. I've grown so much this year, and hope you have, too. With raw food on the telly now, let's make 2013…

My TV show is here!

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Raw Kitchen goes live on TV Yey! My TV show, the world's first ever raw food TV series, is now ready to be aired to the world. Or at least to 32 million people across Europe ;-) It has finally been scheduled!   Prime time slot The…

Raw food and crimson leaves

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Shazzie's Top Ten Raw Foods for Autumn The summer has passed (did you make the most of it?) and now the trees are shedding leaves of autumnal hues of brown, red, yellow and gold… preparing us for the more blustery chill of the winter months.…

10 best raw foods for summer

How to get into raw food when it's sunny The summer is the best time to go raw, or to restart your raw food food journey, because there is so much juicy and tasty raw food around. Here are ten raw food tips that are easy, fresh, clean, raw…

How to eat raw food when travelling

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Eating raw food on the go has never been easier Airports, layovers, hotels and long car journeys with service stations -- they don't seem to have any actual raw food in them, do they? Or do they? Let's have a closer look at how you can eat…

Raw food tips for newbies

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Don't eat banana peel and nine other raw food tips for newbies! When you're new to raw it's easy to get excited and to want to taste and try everything, to seek out durians, crack open coconuts with machetes and see how long you can dehydrate…

Raw food demo at EU’s largest natural product show

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Raw food demonstration pulls largest crowd ever Hey sparkler On Sunday I did a rare and unique raw food demonstration at Olympia for The Natural & Organic Products show. I rarely do public stuff these days so it was a treat to meet…

10 weight loss tips for busy mothers

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How to lose weight while still having a life They say time is on your side but you can't seem to grasp it. Just how do you lose weight when you are super busy mother tasking? 1. Use the power of the minute for weight loss! You have twenty…